The German-American Partnership Club Ludwigsburg-St. Charles/Missouri

was founded in April 1996.
The official twinning of the cities of Ludwigsburg and St. Charles/Missouri took place in July 1996, in Ludwigsburg,
and in October 1996, in St. Charles/Missouri.
The initiative for this twinship came from the St.Charles/Missouri SISTER CITIES PROGRAMS.
A visit to Ludwigsburg by a delegation from St.Charles/Missouri in September 1994,
and a reconnaissance trip by the cultural officer of Ludwigsburg and the present
club president to St. Charles/Missouri in October 1996, deepened contacts and prepared the ground for the twinning.
As opposed to the other Ludwigsburg twinships, the twinship with St.Charles/Missouri
is organized by the partnership club, with the financial support of the city of Ludwigsburg.

Deutsch-Amerikanischer Partnerschaftsclub Ludwigsburg - St.Charles e.V.    info(at)